The solutions tailored for Tana play an important role in production planning and quality control

Tanan työntekijä töissä kaatopaikalla, taustalla Tanan kone

SC Software implemented a quality deviation management and production planning systems for Tana Oy, a manufacturer of landfill rollers and waste shredders. The solutions have been in use at Tana for a couple of years now, and they have proven to be valuable in the cooperation between Tana’s partner network:

“The systems implemented by SC Software have a very important position at Tana”, says Juha Tapanen, Tana’s Production Planning Manager and main user of the systems. “Tana does not have its own production, but it takes place through a network of partners. With the help of these systems, we control the operation of our entire network.”

The automation of production planning eliminated the excel jumble

Before the introduction of the system at Tana, production planning was done weekly by using Excel. According to Tapanen, the downside of it was that when adding new machines to the plan, Excel does not take into account schedule conflicts, nor the effects on the production of other machines. Thus, it took a lot of time and effort to combine the production schedules of different machines.

“We dreamed of our own production planning solution. The ERP systems on the market do not support our type of process, where production is controlled in a partner network. SC Software’s professionals immediately understood our needs and efficiently implemented a customized solution for us,” says Tapanen.

In the Production Planner, all phases of manufacturing and related schedules and resources are detailed. When changes occur, the system reschedules the planned manufacturing steps automatically, also taking into account possible deviations.

“The system has brought visibility to production planning and the order backlog for the entire network, from sales to material delivery. We can now visually see the plan for about a year ahead, which makes it easier to prepare for production. The implementation of the solution has also been reflected in saved working time: the number of meetings, misunderstandings and mistakes has decreased,” Tapanen explains.

Handling of quality deviations is a responsibility of the entire network

With the QA Manager, Tana manages quality deviations found in its products and their parts. Before the introduction of the system, the work was done with the help of shared Excel. However, according to Tapanen, poor performance and unreliability were the reasons why Excel was wanted to be replaced with a genuine system.

“It is important that the quality deviations are detected centrally in the QA Manager and the person responsible for the error takes corrective measures. Deviations always have a responsible person so that they all get handled, and the complaints do not disappear into personal e-mails”, Tapanen lists.

“We also get valuable information for product development from the reporting of deviations. We can see, for example, which parts of the product are affected by quality deviations”, adds Tapanen.

Cooperation continues

The close cooperation between SC Software and Tana continues with further development of the systems as well as new solutions.

“I give SC Software praise for how well they have implemented functional and easy-to-maintain systems tailored to Tana’s needs”, concludes Tapanen.

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