SC Kelpo

Quality deviation management solution

Make quality your competitive advantage! Collect, process and report quality deviations easily with SC Kelpo.

SC Kelpo | Quality deviation management solution

Benefits of implementing Kelpo quality deviation management solution

Quality deviation data in one place

Ease quality deviation reporting and search with a centralized platform

Faster reacting to deviations

Resolve deviations faster without getting lost in emails and excels

No deviations left hanging

Process every quality deviation with a guided process and assigned responsibilities

Continuous improvement

Improve your operations with accumulating data. Access root causes of quality deviations and monitor the effectiveness of improvement measures.

Kypäräpäinen työntekijä töissä kaatopaikalla, taustalla repijä.

“With the quality deviation management solution, observations are centrally recorded in the system. Each deviation has an assigned responsible person, ensuring that they are handled, and the responsible party takes corrective actions. Complaints no longer get lost in personal emails.

Reporting quality deviations also provides valuable information for our product development, as we can see which product areas the quality deviations are affecting.”

Juha Tapanen, Production Planning Manager, Tana Oy

Easy and effective solution for quality deviation management


Create and assign

Add basic information and assign responsible person for the observed quality deviation.


Process, monitor and close

Add additional information, corrective actions, costs and attachments. Process and monitor the deviation stage by stage, and close when resolved.



Report the deviations, export excel or integrate SC Kelpo to your 3rd party reporting solution.

Make quality your competitive advantage

Quality deviations and their prevention are part of comprehensive HSEQ management. SC Kelpo is a solution for you who…

⦿ want to continuously develop your operational and product quality and uncover the reasons for quality deviations
⦿ want an easy-to-use application to collect, process and report quality deviations
⦿ want to decide yourself about the categories, types and targets of the quality deviations in the application
⦿ want to assign quality deviation responsibilities also to your partner network, if necessary
⦿ want to record and monitor the costs caused by quality deviations
⦿ need a comprehensive possibilities to report on the quality deviations

Contact us and book a demo

mari niemelä
Mari Niemelä
Head of Business Unit, Trade Union Solutions & Custom ERP +358 50 567 5491