Comprehensive capital expenditure management solution

Vinha investointien hallinnan ratkaisu

SC Vinha is a Capital Expenditure Management Solution that provides a comprehensive view of an organization’s investment portfolio, as well as tools for managing investment life cycles.

With up-to-date visibility into the current state and forecasts of the investment portfolio, Vinha ensures that strategically important investments are identified, prioritized, and effectively managed.

SC Vinha – The Capital Expenditure Management Solution leads to more worry-free, efficient, and effortless investment processes.

Lead with knowledge

Make strategic investment decisions based on up-to-date information. Forecast the future.

Empower collaboration

Bring professionals on one platform. Boost discussion and information sharing.

Manage effectively

Control statuses, schedules, budgets, costs, forecasts and resourcing of capital investment projects.

Unify the process

Create and maintain a unified operating model supported by approval workflows, mandatory information and role-based access rights.

Integrate flexibly

SC Vinha seamlessly fits into your current system environment. It can be integrated according to your needs, for example, with ERP and financial management solutions.

Focus on what matters

SaaS delivery model gives you the freedom to focus on what’s important while we take care of the application’s operation, comprehensive data security and other technical matters.

Tools for effective capital expenditure management

SC Vinha Capex Management Solution provides financial and project management perspectives for managing capital investments.

⦿ Core capex information management
⦿ Capex life-cycle management from establishment to completion
⦿ Approval workflows
⦿ Integrated chat-features for internal communication
⦿ Budgeting, cost and schedule forecasts
⦿ Task management
⦿ Save files as attachments to the capex information
⦿ Calculation templates (Excel)
⦿ Realized costs as an import


Open investment proposals

Enter basic information and prepare investment proposals for approval.


Approve investment projects

Proposals go through your approval process, collecting approvals from the needed decision makers.


Track forecasts and actual costs

Import forecasts and actual expenses of investment projects.


Analyse and report

Enter final reports and benefit calculations utilizing templates. Close completed investments.

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