SC Sourcing Suite is a platform for strategic sourcing. The solution enables contracting entities to lead and execute operations in accordance with organizational goals.
SC Sourcing Suite seamlessly guides the Procure-to-Pay process, providing support for procurement, tendering, category management, supplier management and collaboration, and contract lifecycle management. Accumulating data enhances informed decision making and strategic management.
Comprehensive support for sourcing process
Collect supply needs
Collect and define supply needs and automatically create drafts based on ending contracts.
Plan & prepare
Plan and prepare sourcing goals, procedures, schedules, stakeholders, responsibilities, budget and much more. Schedule market consultations and invitations to tender.
Publish invitations to tender, collect and analyze offers and inspect and choose suppliers.
Create and manage supply agreements and direct buyers to purchase from valid contracts.
Lead contract lifecycles
Manage contract portfolio, contract lifecycles, events and legal cases.
Manage suppliers
Build a supplier portfolio, analyze and manage risks and build long-lasting, strategic supplier relationships.
Manage categories
Manage categories, follow category-specific reporting and enhance decision making.
Lead with knowledge
Set organizational goals, collect data throughout the procurement process and utilize it in decision making.
Lead with knowledge
SC Sourcing Suite enables effective leading of procurement with the data accumulated on the platform. Raise the transparency and predictability to the next level with versatile, management-supporting tools.

Accumulate high quality data

Unify, automate and lead processes

Enhance individual's work with personalized tools

Create collaboration among different teams, category managers, suppliers and other stakeholders

Enable Proactive management with reports, forecasts, KPI's, snapshots and notifications

Set effectiveness goals for sustainability of finances, environment, society, culture, and much more
Enhance collaboration and self-service
Electronic tendering and Supplier portal
Enhance co-operation and supplier relationship development with easy-to-use Supplier portal.
Let suppliers register users, keep their information up to date, attend tenders, and browse contracts, open tenders and tasks related to them.
Publish invitations to tender. Communicate centrally about tenders and contract events. Create notifications.
Buyer portal
Make sure that purchases are made from active contracts.
Let buyers utilize powerful search tools for active contracts, suppliers, categories, or free text search.
Offer information about contracts, suppliers and ordering instructions, and guide buyers to the right 3rd party ordering portals.
A solution that adapts to your needs
SC Sourcing Suite is the right solution for public sector or private organization that see procurement as a significant and strategic function in their organization.
We customize and integrate the solution according to to your individual needs. The solution can be easily deployed as-a-service (SaaS) or installed in the customer’s own cloud environment.